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Food’s sterilization

Esterilização dos alimentos

Luckily nowadays we can feed our families without the fear of past times insalubrity.  Microbiology and hygiene wise, our foods are strictly regulated.

However, as usual, we extrapolate and we “radicalize”, turning food’s hygiene in what I consider a dangerous obsession.

Products ultra-pasteurized, ultra-processed, entirely wrapped in plastic comply literally with the health and safety requirements. Yet everything brings consequences, and in this case, we eventually sacrifice the nutrients that are in reality our alimentation’s “gem”.

Ultra-pasteurization kills and destroys all the enzymes, almost all vitamins, and a significant part of the minerals. Our organisms, besides being deprived from precious nutrients, find themselves “sterilized”, therefore the immune system finds itself asleep and lacking “training”. This immunological vulnerability is an opportunity for bacteria and viruses. And there we are defending our bodies with a battle of vaccines… entering a total dependency from the external and artificial, forgetting that we are ourselves real warriors. Just like that, turning us vulnerable and dependant from the industry that “protects us”.

Our alimentation can improve exponentially whilst paying close attention to the quality of the foods we purchase. One of the paradoxes is that we really save money! We buy much less but what we buy is so much better.

For instance, a pack of Spirulina costs 7.65€ (125g) and contains 83g of protein, enormous iron quantities, betacarotens, vitamins, minerals and fibre. To find the equivalent of this product, you would need to probably spend 25€ buying foods to get an identical nutritional spectrum in total.  Ah, without mentioning the fact that you ingest, in these unhealthy foods, literally 5x more calories. Beyond that, it increases the toxic load in your body coming from the toxins in those foods. Toxicity is aggravated when you overeat, as the organism loses digestive capacity, which makes the indigested nutrients a toxic charge instead of an adjuvant to our health.

Remember do not hand your most precious good to others! Take your health seriously and be responsible for it.

Good Health to all of you.

Cumprimentos, Regards, Saludos

Gonçalo Sardinha