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Iswari SuperFood

This Drink Strengthens The Immune System And More…

This Drink Strengthens The Immune System And More…

No, it's not about orange juice. Yes, vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps to strengthen our defences, but science has showed that one particular spice and one particular root vegetable are capable of protecting us from many common health problems.

A scientific paper from 2007 has shown how an active compound in a famous spice can strengthen our immune system to protect us against the risk of many diseases. We are not just talking about colds and flu, but about more serious diseases such as asthma, arthritis, diabetes, Alzheimer's, arteriosclerosis and even cancer.

The Journal of Clinical Immunology published an article in which two medical researchers explain how this orange Indian spice can have many benefits for our health. We are of course, talking about turmeric, the bright-coloured spice we all know as the base of Indian curry.

Also known as the "Saffron of the Indies", this small root, closely related to ginger, contains several virtues: it is rich in vitamins and minerals, but contains in particular, an active ingredient called curcumin.

This component of turmeric has made it famous as a powerful natural anti-inflammatory, but it is also studied by the scientific community for its enormous healing properties and various health applications. The researchers of the article in question claim that curcumin is able to strengthen the immune system by acting in these ways:

- Increases antibody response

- Activates immune system cells such as B and T lymphocytes, natural killers, macrophages, neutrophils, and dendritic cells

- Reduces the activity of inflammatory cells such as some cytokines and chemokines

Turmeric: the right quantity and how to take it

It is generally recommended to take about 5 grams of turmeric per day, which is equivalent to about one teaspoon. However, turmeric is not easily assimilated by our body, and to make the most of all its benefits, we must respect some simple rules:

Curcumin is fat-soluble, so it should always be taken with a fat. It takes only a little, such as a drop of coconut oil, olive oil, or even cocoa butter.

Curcumin is one thousand times more bio-available in combination with piperine, one of the active ingredients of black pepper. That's why the two spices are always together in the curry! A pinch of it is really enough, but it is indispensable.

Turmeric should be cooked but not for too long, or at high temperatures, so as not to denature its properties.

It is essential to make sure that the turmeric you use is organic. Any turmeric, intensively cultivated with pesticides and polluted water, will not be able to provide us with the great benefits we are looking for, since it may itself contain toxins.

The best way to enjoy the taste and properties of turmeric is by making golden milk. This ancient ayurvedic recipe involves the daily intake of a cup of warm milk or milk alternative, in which you mix a teaspoon of turmeric, a pinch of black pepper, half a teaspoon of cinnamon and a dash of coconut oil. If you want, you can add a teaspoon of organic honey to sweeten this drink which can be used to help strengthen the immune system.

Maca: the root that increases energy and immune defences

The perfect drink to stimulate the immune system is golden milk, but it is even better at this if we also combine turmeric with the power of maca. This Peruvian root, used as an energising tonic for millennia, is famous above all for its action as a hormonal regulator. Maca, is rich in nutrients, and is able to increase sexual desire, as confirmed by this study from 2002.

Maca can increase fertility, relieve the symptoms of menopause and may also reduce anxiety due to its flavonoid content. Among the thousands of properties of the Peruvian root is its ability to activate glutathione, the most powerful cellular antioxidant in our body. Thanks to this property, another study showed how maca is able to:

- Reduce bad cholesterol

- Prevent and reduce oxidative stress

- Strengthen the immune system

- Adjust the sugars in the blood

What to drink to increase the immune defences

We can add maca powder to our recipe of golden milk to enhance its already powerful beneficial effects. Also ensure in this case that the maca is organic, because it is a root that grows underground, it can absorb all the pollutants and pesticides from the ground.

Just in case you don’t like turmeric or you don’t have it at home, you can combine a teaspoon of maca with half a teaspoon of matcha, the fabulous antioxidant green tea. It can also help your body fight oxidative stress and boost your immune system.

Only organic maca, grown in pristine soils, can develop the vitamins and minerals to help us strengthen the immune system. The best drink to stimulate the immune system is golden milk with a teaspoon of turmeric, a teaspoon of maca, half a teaspoon of cinnamon, a pinch of black pepper, a drop of coconut oil or melted cocao butter and a teaspoon of honey.

Iswari Turmeric and Black Pepper: our turmeric is organic and rich in nutrients. Curcumin is activated by the presence of a small percentage of black pepper already present in the pack. We put just enough to activate the properties of turmeric, without affecting the taste.

Iswari Maca: our maca powder is perfect to be added to drinks of all kinds, from golden milk to smoothies, but also to other recipes such as desserts and pancakes.

Matcha: the number of catechins in matcha is up to 137 times greater than in other types of green tea. What does it mean? Matcha is high in antioxidants, and increasing your antioxidant intake may help you prevent cell damage and even lower your risk of several chronic diseases.