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Iswari SuperFood

Super Vegan Fitness Single ingredients

Super Vegan Trail Mix

Activated Almonds, Mulberries and Goji berries

A 3 whole food ingredients mix that naturally combines healthy fats with fruit naturally-occurring sugars to fuel your body. This is THE snack to ...

A 3 whole food ingredients mix that naturally combines healthy fats with fruit naturally-occurring sugars to fuel your body. This is THE snack to boost your workout in a quick, delicious and convenient way.

16 servings  |  High Magnesium  | 
High Monounsaturated Fat

Super Vegan Trail Mix

A 3 whole food ingredients mix that naturally combines healthy fats with fruit naturally-occurring sugars to fuel your body. This is THE snack to boost your workout in a quick, delicious and convenient way.

This products should be a part of a diverse, balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.

30g per day. Eat as a healthy and tasty snack at any time of the day. You can add to your porridge, yogurts or pancakes.




High Magnesium

Contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism

Source of Zinc

Contributes to the maintenance of normal bones

High Monousaturated fat

Nutritional Table

Tabela Nutricional - Super Vegan Trail Mix

Only With 3 Ingredients

No nasties Added!


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