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Iswari SuperFood

Can You Lose Weight With A Detox Diet?

Can You Lose Weight With A Detox Diet?

“Does the detox diet also help to lose weight?” This is a question that emerges many times, and the answer is "yes and no". There is something we must clarify from the beginning: the main purpose of a detox diet is not to lose weight, but to cleanse the body, and eliminate toxins, and thus be able to reset the body in order to start from scratch. But the most important thing about a detox diet is that it presents us with a radical change in nutrition, and also in our daily lives.

What do you think would happen to your body if you suddenly removed alcohol, sugar, fried and processed foods from your diet? If your answer is that nothing will happen because you do not consume them anymore, then you may not lose much weight with a detox diet. However, most people do consume some sugary foods or drinks, or processed foods, or have some beers with friends, and end up eating some fried food on the weekend. So here is the answer to your question. When you change your diet, even if your goal is not to lose weight, your body will notice the difference… and the scales will too! What are the most important steps to follow to lose weight with a detox diet?

1. Be firm

This is essential in all diets. It is important to follow the rules and not make exceptions. But even more so in a detox diet, because if we do not respect the rules, we do not achieve our aim of detoxification. There is no middle ground. So, follow the schedule and rhythm of the diet and do not make exceptions. Only in this way will your detox be fully successful.

2. Not less, but better

This point is very important. Let's be clear: in a detox diet, should never be truly hungry. If you feel hungry during the process, it could be that your missing something important. During this diet, the goal is to learn to eat foods that help cleanse the body and, at the same time, nourish it.

3. Start the day well

Always start the day with a green juice. An example could be: the juice of two apples, a handful of spinach, ginger, and a tablespoon of Chlorella powder. With this juice you will start the day full of energy and with a much cleaner body.

4. Superfood

Superfoods can be extremely useful during a detox diet. They help cleanse the body, are rich in antioxidants and can help speed up the metabolism. They also contain many nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. Chlorella, Spirulina and Wheatgrass are the magic trio of detox superfoods, being some of the most powerful detoxifiers.

If you are starting a detox diet, you will probably notice an important change in your body. Not only will you lose weight, but you will also notice improvements in skin, hair and nails, and you will feel more energised after a while. Enjoy this energy by doing some aerobic exercise. With the help of our green superfoods, detoxification will be much easier and even more effective!

Good Luck!