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Iswari SuperFood

Flexetarian Diet – A More Sensible Approach A Vegetarian Diet

Flexetarian Diet – A More Sensible Approach A Vegetarian Diet

If you are the kind of person who loves fruits, vegetables and pulses, who tends to have a more conscious approach to nutrition…but you hesitate to take the first step towards a vegetarian diet… This approach could work for you.

The basic concept of the Flexitarian or Semi-vegetarian diet is to take advantage of the benefits of a healthy diet based on fruits, vegetables, cereals and seeds, without suffering the possible shortcomings such as lack of protein and lack of vitamin B12 etc. The solution is to adopt a “flexibility”, and allow yourself some meat and fish during the week without completely eliminating anything from your diet.

This approach to diet involves decreasing the number of meals with animal protein, and then introduce all kinds of vegetables / fruits / cereals / seeds to structure a balanced and varied diet. But one of the fundamental keys is to include highly nutritive food that add nutrients to diet in order to combat potential deficiency. There are no set rules, two people can be flexitarians and have very different diets. But with the help of certain superfoods you can be sure you will never be lacking in what you need:

Spirulina – It is an alga rich in proteins, minerals such as calcium and iron, and vitamins, including the elusive vitamin B12. It has antioxidant properties, aids the immune system and helps to keep bones strong and healthy. Spirulina is available in powder or tablet forms.

Hemp Protein – This is a fantastic food that can be added to smoothies, salad dressings, desserts, cereals and even soups. It is rich in essential fats as well as protein and minerals. It is kind to the environment, and easy to digest.

The benefit of consuming superfoods can outweigh that of eating meat, since the nutrients are easily absorbed into the bloodstream without the digestive system being overburdened. They are also alkalizing rather than being overly acidic, and they are also much lower in unhealthy fats.

The nutritional properties of meat and fish also exist in plant based foods, you just have to know which foods are the best substitutes. This can become complicated when you try to combine the right foods to meet your bodies complex needs. That’s why we have develop our superfood blends which contain perfect ratios of nutrients to help you maintain a vegan, vegetarian or flexitarian diet

We have 2 important and useful blends of superfoods to avoid any shortage of minerals or proteins

Super Vegan Protein – This is a combination of three powerful vegetable proteins: Hemp, Pea and Rice, specially blended in order to provide your body with the correct ratio of amino acids. Add 2 or 3 tablespoons to any meal to make sure you get a perfect range of amino acids.

Super Green Protein– Just like Super Vegan Protein and yes, it is also vegan, but we here we added 3 important green superfoods: Spirulina. Chlorella and Matcha. Spirulina and chlorella provide extra minerals, as well as also helping to rid the body of toxins. Chlorella contains Chlorella Growth Factor, a natural compound which helps your body to absorb and utilize protein. The matcha provides extra focus, so this combination is perfect if you lead a very active lifestyle or are involved in sports.

To summarise, this is not an “all or nothing” diet. However, once you are comfortable with the flexitarian diet supported by superfoods, it should be easier to gradually achieve a 100% vegetarian or vegan diet if you so desire. This approach can help in maintaining a controlled weight, reducing the environmental impact of your food consumption, and potentially even increase your life expectancy.