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Iswari SuperFood

Protecting habitats to protect our future

Protecting habitats to protect our future

The future of our planet is in danger, and we are the cause of a disaster that may be imminent. Are pollution, climate change and land use the biggest problems? For our species, the biggest problem is the extinction of many animal species. And only habitat conservation can solve this problem.

Almost all nature conservation experts say that the only way to preserve biodiversity on our planet - the diversity of animal and plant species - is to preserve natural habitats. But what is meant by habitat?

What is a habitat?

The habitat is the natural environment in which specimens of a particular species live and reproduce. The main causes of extinction of animal and plant species depend in fact on the impoverishment and degradation of habitats, over-exploitation of the soil, the introduction of exotic species and pollution.

Why it is important to protect habitats

We humans are part of nature, we must always be aware of this. If certain animal species in particular, such as bees and insects, were to become extinct, we would have little chance of surviving.

In this regard, the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) has published a report on the decline in biodiversity of pollinating insects. The report's title is clear: "Our food depends on pollinating insects that are under threat". The conclusion is drastic: if pollinating insects die out, we will die out too. 

So protecting habitats becomes essential for our future and for the future of the Earth. By preserving the living environment of animal and plant species, we would be mortgaging their survival, and therefore ours. The human race cannot survive without the other species, we are all "in the same boat".

What can we do to protect habitats?

An important tool for the protection of habitats and therefore biodiversity is the establishment of protected areas such as national parks, nature parks, nature reserves and marine protected areas. But this is not enough: these areas, in fact, are often surrounded by man-made territories and often densely populated, polluted and that still endanger plants and animals.

What we must do, in addition to establishing and maintaining protected areas, is to maintain responsible behaviour through environmental education, awareness raising among young people and activism. And the first absolute form of activism is consumer responsibility. 

We are all consumers and we can choose to support only and exclusively companies and markets that respect and protect the environment, that choose organic culture and cultivation, fair trade, that prefer vegan food and low environmental impact.

The secret to protecting the habitat of all animal species is to be aware, and connect the different realities of our daily lives instead of keeping them separate. The food you eat has a great impact not only on your diet, and therefore on your health, but on the health of the entire planet.

For these reasons we at Iswari choose only suppliers who guarantee us the greatest respect for the environment, for the local population and consequently we also try in every way to improve and be more virtuous towards Mother Nature, our goddess. 

Among the products we are most proud of are all those based on Cocoa, which come from a family business in Peru and meet the strict standards of Fairtrade trade. Discover them and enjoy them in complete sustainability!