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Iswari SuperFood
Healthy Eating

Coffee Substitutes That Are Better For Your Health

"When i wake up, i can't function, until i drink coffee". It's very probable that you have already heard that sentence more than once and maybe are one of those persons who think its impossible to live without coffee.
Healthy Eating

Top Tips For Meal Prep

Prepping your meals and getting organised at the beginning of the week can be a real saviour when it comes to sticking to your goals and eating nourishing, delicious food. I know that lot’s of us lead very busy lives and are always rushing around from one
Healthy Eating

A Sugar-Free Christmas!

Christmas is approaching and with it come also desserts, sweets and, of course, sugar! We live in a society that combines beautiful moments, parties and celebrations with sugar, forgetting that it constitutes one of our greatest enemies!
Healthy Eating

A Healthy Breakfast: 10 Buddha’s Recommendations For A Good Awakening. What To Eat And What To Avoid

A healthy breakfast starts with the Buddha’s Awakening, that is with the harmony and well-being of body and mind: let’s find out together what to eat for breakfast and what to avoid.
Healthy Eating

Dental Plaque And Caries: Natural Remedies

Dental plaque and caries are among the most widespread dental problems. It all originates from bacterial plaque, a thin biofilm that covers the teeth near the gums. Adequate dental hygiene limits and prevents the formation of bacterial biofilm, but what a
Healthy Eating

New Year, Healthier Life

With the new year, we all commit ourselves to change, but many times our commitment does not survive a month. That’s why this year we want to make a proposal. We propose that your goal for 2018 will be a change of lifestyle
Healthy Eating

Speed Up The Metabolism With Fibres

A high-fibre diet is a great way to lose weight and fat in a healthy way, as it increases the feeling of satiety and helps eliminate what we do not want from the body. The result is that we eat less and our intestines work better. In this way, the body be
Healthy Eating

How To Give Up Sugar In 5 Steps

At this point you might think: why should I remove sugar from my diet if I love sweets? Yes, almost everyone loves the taste of refined sugar, but there are two main problems. White sugar does not offer us any good nutrients for the body and it is addicti