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Iswari SuperFood
Fitness and Sport

Did You Know That Chlorella Helps Increase Physical Endurance In Sports?

There are no miracle drugs, but according to some studies the closest thing is prolonged aerobic exercise! Increasing aerobic endurance can improve mood, intestinal health, tone muscles and help you lose weight. And Chlorella can give you the boost you ne

Stomach And Digestion

Digestion is the first phase of the nutrition of living beings. It is a fundamental step for survival, which allows you to introduce and transform nutrients into substances easily assimilated by the body. These substances, once reduced to simpler molecule

Skin, Nails And Hair

The skin is the largest organ in our body. It is a continuous tissue, which stretches for about 2sqm and weighs around 10kg. The skin is divided into three main layers: epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. The epidermis is the outermost layer, the one we all

Flu And Cold

They are the typical seasonal illnesses, but they can also hit in the summer. Flu and cold are often confused, but they present substantial differences. At the first symptoms such as airway congestion and sneezing, the two conditions occur in very similar


Antioxidants are substances that fight free radicals and counteract their negative effects on our body. Free radicals are atoms or molecules that lack an electron. This deficiency makes free radicals particularly unstable and pushes them to "steal" electr

5 Ways To Add Anti-Inflammatory Turmeric Root To Your Life

Turmeric has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine and scientists believe that the reason why turmeric is so powerful is that it contains curcumin. But curcumin is not easily absorbed and has low bioavailability. Black pe
Immune System

The Solution For Food Allergies

Allergies and food intolerances are constantly increasing every day. More and more people feel sick after eating gluten, eggs, milk or soy. Some have a physical reaction to these foods (such as diarrhea, vomiting or a severe stomach ache), while others fe