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Iswari SuperFood

Banana and Salted Caramel Protein Muffins

Banana and Salted Caramel Protein Muffins

These protein muffins are the perfect snack to devour after workout. They are delicious, quick and easy to make.

The best way to eat healthier is to prepare your meals in advance so you don't get tempted. That's why this protein muffin recipe is perfect to make on the weekend when you have more time.

This will allow you to store the muffins all week and free up time for training. These protein muffins are a fantastic source of 100% natural protein, the star ingredient being our mix Super Vegan Protein Salted Caramel & Ashwagandha. With 24g of vegetable protein, rich in iron and vitamin C, this blend also brings the power of Ashwagandha root.

This root is one of the most important herbs used in Ayurveda and has been used for over 3000 years to relieve stress, increase energy levels and improve concentration.

Muffins are perfect for several reasons: they stay fresh longer than a cake you cut every day, they're convenient to take out and easy to freeze if necessary. What's more, these muffins allow you to add more protein to your diet in a simple and delicious way.

Time: 30 min

For: 9 muffins


1 cup spelt wholemeal flour

½ cup of SUPER VEGAN PROTEIN Salted Caramel and Ashwagandha

¼ cup coconut sugar

1 teaspoon of yeast

½ tsp baking soda

¼ tsp cinnamon

1 cup mashed bananas

½ cup almond drink


1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and place the paper muffin cups in the muffin tins.

2. Mix all the ingredients with a spatula until a homogeneous batter is obtained.

3. Pour the batter into the pans with a spoon or small coffee cup, filling the pans half full.

4. Bake for 15 minutes or until the test toothpick comes out dry and free of batter residue.

5. Cool muffins on wire rack.

These muffins are the ideal snack to eat before or after training!