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Iswari SuperFood

Living food: have you ever thought about eating only raw food?

Living food: have you ever thought about eating only raw food?

It's called the "living food revolution". This movement is gaining followers and more and more people are betting on eating food in its natural state, i.e. without being cooked. The main advantage is that it gives us more protein, healthy fats, minerals or enzymes that will help our growth, recovery and maintenance of our body.

Why adopt living food?

Introducing more raw foods into our diet has several advantages. Here are a few of them:

Detoxify the body - By eating raw (and organic) foods, we make it easier for our liver to do its job. When the liver is overloaded, it can't perform its detoxification function properly and impurities and toxins begin to build up in fat cells. Our body is no longer able to digest food properly, which leads to a feeling of fatigue. If we give our liver more food in its natural state, it can devote its energy to other functions such as balancing glucose and cholesterol levels, eliminating excess hormones and producing bile to absorb fat.

Regenerate the body - Raw diets are based on green leaves, which are rich in chlorophyll and have the added benefit of being alkaline. By providing the body with a daily dose of alkaline foods, we help it restore its balance and give it the opportunity to regenerate itself. This diet will help you regenerate your body and mind.

Lose weight - Raw foods are moisturizing and filling. Unlike food cooked or heated above 47.7°C, which destroys many of the important enzymes and phytonutrients, raw food provides a lot of nutrients and energy. If you start to eat vegetables with all their properties, your body will have a better metabolism and this will help you lose weight.

Where to start?

The term "live food" may make some people think that we suggest eating salad for breakfast, lunch and dinner, but this is not the case. All it takes is a little imagination and always choose organic products to ensure that all our meals will be delicious and different.

The psychotherapist and trainer of Live Food, Rebeca Bandeira, shares with us some tips on how to do this diet. The first is to have green juices for breakfast. Despite their colour... they don't taste like salad! If you take them in the morning, you will start the day full of energy. Rebeca Bandeira's second piece of advice is not to be afraid to try them: "use the vegetables you already have at home and try them without cooking them". You will most likely be surprised.

This raw food specialist and creator of the Amo Comida Viva project explains that the most important thing is to always choose organic food. "Go to the farmers' organic markets, there are several that take place in the country at weekends," advises Rebeca Bandeira.  In addition to green juices and salads, you can also introduce raw snacks (mixtures of dried fruit, goji and fresh fruit) and vegetable-based drinks into your diet.

Less than 47 º C

The rule of thumb for a raw food diet is to avoid eating foods that have been cooked at over 47ºC. To do this, you must be aware of our pantry because many of the products we buy at the supermarket have been subjected to high temperatures during their manufacturing process. Iswari has created its range of sprouted oats keeping in mind the advantages of raw food. Our oats have been dehydrated to 42ºC and therefore retain all their nutrients and enzymes. Banana Bliss Sprouted Oats, for example, is perfect for breakfast or a snack. If you mix it with hemp milk (recipe below), it's delicious!

Watch the digestion!

Despite all the benefits of a live diet, it is important to know that not all people can follow this diet for a long time, as this type of food can be aggressive to the most sensitive stomachs and intestines, as on some occasions raw food is more difficult to digest than a diet that also includes cooked food. But being raw doesn't mean that your diet should be 100% raw. You can adjust the percentage according to how your body reacts. Some people prefer to eat raw food in the morning and cooked food in the evening; others follow a diet of 80% raw food and 20% cooked. The most important thing is to listen to your body.

Recipe for hemp milk

It is a delicious vegetable drink, easy to prepare that can be a good substitute for animal milk (although the two drinks have different properties).


3 tablespoons (45g) Hemp peeled Seeds Iswari

500ml of water

1 dessert spoon of Coconut Sugar (optional)


Place the ingredients in a blender and blend for 15 seconds or until the seeds are well blended and form a homogeneous white liquid.

Store for 24 hours in a glass jar in the refrigerator.