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Iswari SuperFood

Sustainability: the health of the planet depends on a healthy diet

Sustainability: the health of the planet depends on a healthy diet

We are talking more and more about sustainability, luckily for ourselves and our planet. The battles of the young Greta Thunberg are inspiring millions of people, but what can we really do to preserve our future? Where can we start?

The problems our planet is facing are many. From the melting of ice, to the more and more frequent and dangerous manifestations of a crazy climate, from the pollution of air and water to the invasion of plastic, from energy management to that of waste... and the young Greta Thunberg since August 2018 is carrying out a battle that has turned into a real global movement.

Whether or not there is the help of large advertising media behind her figure, we do not care: Greta is fighting for a set of real, tangible problems that are characterizing our era and could upset the near future. We at Iswari support Greta and her obstinacy, we share her values and we work hard to make food and nutrition more sustainable and healthy.

What does food have to do with pollution and global warming? Hundreds of scientists, politicians and activists have been telling us for a long time and Johan Rockström, executive director of the Stockholm Resilience Center at the University of Stockholm and chairman of the EAT advisory council, reiterates this in an article published in the Guardian: to change things we have to start from food.

The reasoning is simple: if for us humans it is true that "we are what we eat", it is also true for the Earth. The global food system is making humanity and our planet together sick. The main problem, according to the Swedish scientist, is that we are facing each situation separately. Climatologists take care of the climate, doctors and nutritionists of human nutrition, agronomists and biologists of agriculture, etc...

But the point is that feeding 7 billion people, who will become 9 in 2050, according to many estimates, is a great challenge that must be seriously addressed. And what we need to do is start feeding ourselves better to feed the planet better. How?

Each of us should begin to dedicate ourselves to our health, starting from what we eat. Feeding on healthy, organic and untreated foods, placing them in a balanced diet, prevents disease and improves life. If more and more people choose a healthy diet, the global market will have to adapt and the production methods will have to be converted to eco-green crops and productions.

In this way the Earth will no longer have to bear the pressure of soil depletion, water and air pollution, and the extinction of various animal species, including bees, vital for the entire ecosystem. Not only that, the current production system, according to the scientist, is not sustainable even from an economic point of view.

Healthy food would create new business opportunities and a better redistribution of wealth, while solving problems such as hunger and access to water, but also those related to hygiene and health.

Of course, nobody expects a miracle to happen from one day to another, but we must think and implement these strategies immediately. We can do something about climate change and the preservation of our planet. Sustainability is now a reality at hand for most of us. Each of us can do something and start with food is the simplest and most sensible way.

This is why we at Iswari believe in our products and our mission: to spread the value of healthy nutrition to as many people as possible, to improve health and sustainability and offer nature and our entire planet all the respect they deserve. All our 50+ products are organic, vegan and sustainable!