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Why should I rest between training sessions?

Why should I rest between training sessions?

Resting between training sessions allows your body to recover from the stress it has been subjected to. Know why days of rest are so important for your health and for your training!

For those who like to train, being forced to rest can be difficult. However, to improve both mental and physical health from exercise can be a challenge. However, this is an issue where there is no general recommendation. Here, the ideal is to listen to your body. Maybe you'll feel better if you start the week with a day of rest. Or, perhaps you prefer an active recovery, for example, by introducing yoga or stretching into your routine. Or, who knows? Maybe the ideal thing for you is to train during the week and rest on the weekends. The recommendation is that you get to know how you feel physically and mentally. Extreme fatigue, muscle weakness, insomnia, difficulty concentrating, dizziness, changes in appetite, joint and muscle pains or breaks in performance are never good signs. It is in the period of rest that our body replaces lost energy and enhances muscle growth.

What do the experts say?

Several studies show that rest and recovery are essential. LINK POST 5 STRATEGIES FOR MUSCLE RECOVERY. A study published in 2018 argues that there is a sweet spot between doing too little exercise - which is linked to an increase in cardiovascular accidents and cancer - and too much. This study even advises against more than four to five hours of vigorous exercise per week and recommends at least one da's rest. Another study from 2017 states that taking days of rest can protect the loss of bone density, which is important, especially for women. In addition, overtraining also extends the time needed for effective muscle recovery. Tha's why sleep is extremely important. Mathew Walker, one of the world's leading experts on sleep, explains that doing exercise is great, but exercising too late in the day will interfere with the quality of sleep. Ideally, you should exercise no less than two to three hours before going to bed.

What happens if you don't rest

It's quite simple: when we train, we introduce stress into our body, and when we rest, we let it recover. The days of rest allow the muscles to recover, as well as the bones, nerves, and tissues. When you don't rest enough, the muscles don't recover, your aerobic capacity decreases, and your immune system is weakened, thus, creating a greater risk of disease or injury. In addition, your performance may be affected, making it impossible for you to maintain your workload and reach your goals. What’s more, it's one thing not to rest for a week or two. It’s another, completely different thing not to rest in the long run. Remember, you have only one body, so take care of it.