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Iswari SuperFood
Detox and disintoxication

How to go on a detox without starving yourself

As soon as we hear the word detox, we may immediately think of a very strict diet of celery juice and lettuce leaves that leaves no room for felling fulfilled and enjoying tasty food.
Detox and disintoxication

What to eat after a detox diet

A detox diet is a great way to get back in shape and experience optimal health. For many people it can also help to end symptoms such as slow digestion, fatigue and skin problems. But what should we eat after our detox program?
Detox and disintoxication

7 benefits of detox diet

Is detoxification real or is it a marketing invention? And why should we start a detox diet? Let's find out together what are the benefits of the detox diet!

ISWARI & Addicted To Dates

ISWARI & Addicted To Dates workshop - partnership
Fitness and Sport

The best superfoods to improve your yoga practice

Yoga is now a well-established fashion, but it is first of all a complex discipline that helps to achieve the psycho-physical balance. For many people, Yoga can literally change their lives. Let's see what its benefits are and how to amplify them with sup
Blood Pressure and Cholesterol

Healthy Eating Is Good For Your Blood And Health

Blood is the vehicle of all the essential nutrients for our life: it transports the metabolized nutrient to every corner of our body and keeps us healthy and active. Let's discover together the importance of a healthy diet for the health of our blood.
Planet Earth

How Superfood Helps Us Preserve Biodiversity

We might think that these are two completely separate things, but in reality our choices, including our food choices, weigh heavily on the health of the planet, as well as on ours.
Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Superfoods For The Well-Being Of Mother And Child

Being a mother is one of the most difficult jobs in the world. Freud also stated: "The most difficult jobs are, in absolute order, the parent, the teacher and the psychologist". Choosing what to eat during pregnancy, but also after having given birth and
Healthy Eating

Coffee Substitutes That Are Better For Your Health

"When i wake up, i can't function, until i drink coffee". It's very probable that you have already heard that sentence more than once and maybe are one of those persons who think its impossible to live without coffee.
Planet Earth

Sustainability: the health of the planet depends on a healthy diet

We at Iswari support Greta and her obstinacy, we share her values and we work hard to make food and nutrition more sustainable and healthy.

Healthy Skin: 5 Tricks You May Not Know

What is the secret to healthy and glowing skin? When it comes to health and well-being, there is never a miraculous method. We must understand and respect the complexity of our body and know that with the right attitude and holistic approach, change is po
Healthy Eating

Top Tips For Meal Prep

Prepping your meals and getting organised at the beginning of the week can be a real saviour when it comes to sticking to your goals and eating nourishing, delicious food. I know that lot’s of us lead very busy lives and are always rushing around from one